If you wonder how you can prevent cancer naturally, either in your life, or in the life of your loved ones, you are not alone. The good news is, most cancer is completely preventable, according to the National Institute of Health, and there are many things you can do to reduce your risk of developing that frightening disease.
Following are three of the most important changes you can make in order to prevent cancer from affecting your life.
1. Eliminate processed foods from your diet. Used to eating boxed and/or frozen dinners, sodas, store-bought sweets and flour-based foods (such as bread and pasta)? How about cold cereals, pasteurized milk, snack chips and canned vegetables?
If so, you are eating yourself into bad health. Processed foods not only have little to no nutritional value, but can actually cause nutritional deficiencies. In addition, they are likely to contain toxic substances, and more than you think: the FDA allows food manufacturers to put as many as 15,000 different chemicals in food without having to list them on the label! Many of these toxic chemicals are carcinogenic-or, can cause cancer-and the more that accumulate in your system, the higher your risk of developing cancer.
2. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are nutrient-dense, filled with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants. All of these substances work against disease, and the more you eat, the lower your risk of developing all sorts of disease. Aim for at least seven servings daily.
3. Take an antioxidant supplement. I usually eat eight or nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Sometimes, I eat as many as eleven. Yet, my blood recently showed more free radicals than is considered healthy, and I was told to boost my antioxidant intake. So, your healthy diet may not be sufficient to supply the antioxidants you need.
I recommend a 100% pure juice from one of the superberries, such as goji, Noni, or aca’i, or a mixture of such juices. Many antioxidant supplements come in a powder form, and those have lost up to two-thirds of their antioxidant value.
There are many other lifestyle changes you can make to help prevent cancer naturally. However, if you had to choose three, these would be the three I would recommend.