Three Ways to Prevent Cancer


Surely, you do not want to be diagnosed with a horrible disease, such as cancer. There is no cure for cancer. Sure, there is chemotherapy, but that is certainly no cure that you want to go through. Instead of putting your life on the line, you should look into some ways to prevent cancer. This way, you can lower your chances of getting this dreadful disease.

Below, we are going to give you a list of techniques to help reduce the chances of getting cancer. Take note, because it is better to be safe than to be sorry:

One: Consume a lot of foods that are rich in antioxidants. Eating a lot of tomatoes is a good start. Did you know that if you have a diet that is rich in tomatoes, the risk of developing cancer will fall by forty percent. This is because they are rich in lycopene. What is lycopene? This is an antioxidant that is found in the red skin. Garlic can also help to prevent cancer. Both garlic and onions are rich in allicin. Broccoli is another good food to eat, because it is rich in isothiocyanates. This will help reduce the chances of developing lung cancer. Broccoli is also rich in lutein, which is a good antioxidant to help fight colon cancer.

Two: Reduce eating foods that are high in calories. When a person is overweight, their chances of getting cancer will increase. This is why it is important to reduce the intake of foods that are high in calories. Don’t eat so much of the foods rich in calories. This includes French fries, chicken, hamburger, pizzas and doughnuts. These food will kill you, literally.

3. Cigarettes are harmful. Cigarettes are known for causing cancer. Eighty percent of patients dealing with lung cancer are smokers. Ten percent of them are likely victims of secondhand smoke.

Those are three ways to prevent cancer. We recommend you following these tips before it is too late.

Martina Navratilova talks about her battle against cancer

Cancer in an animal of meat, when cooked and eat it, it does taste the same or diffferent?

After eating the cancer means that the body to digest and more cases of cancer of the molicules?

Tumors, growths are usually cut when butcher. You can see growth in raw meat. One of the things you do not eat. It tastes different. It has a different texture, different color. It's gross.