The Many Ways of Combating Feelings of Sickness


Dr Pam Brown continues our series on complementary medicines by looking at how they can help reduce or overcome the feelings of sickness that can be caused by some anti-cancer treatments.

Nausea is when you feel sick and vomiting is when the contents of your stomach actually empty.

If there is no obvious cause for your nausea or vomiting, always ask your doctor for advice. Some causes of nausea and vomiting need urgent treatment, and some other causes can be treated easily, so there is no need to suffer these distressing symptoms.

Conventional treatments for nausea and vomiting

Eating small light meals may help. Dry crackers and low fat foods are easy to digest. Avoid citrus juices and fizzy drinks. If you are vomiting, instead of eating take frequent sips of water or an electrolyte solution (such as Dioralyte or Rehidrat) to help put back the fluid and salts which you have lost.
Anti-sickness medicines

* Metoclopramide

* Domperidone

* Cyclizine

* Prochlorperazine (Stemetil)

* Newer, very effective anti-sickness drugs such as ondansetron are used before and during chemotherapy.

Sometimes you will need a combination of different types of anti-sickness drugs to stop you vomiting.

Always ask your doctor for advice if you notice blood in the vomit, the vomiting is accompanied by abdominal pain which doesn’t settle after a few hours, or the vomiting continues for more than 12 hours.
Which complementary therapies can help?

Acupressure on pericardium point 6 (P6) can be effective in all types of nausea and vomiting. Point P6 is located on the inside of the wrist, 3 finger breadths up from the wrist crease nearest to the hand. Press on this point in line with your ring finger for 30 seconds to 1 minute on each side with the thumb of the other hand. Alternatively you can wear acupressure bands (‘Anti-nausea bands’) sold for travel sickness. Acupuncture treatments from a therapist may also help.

Peppermint, spearmint, lavender, sweet fennel and chamomile aromatherapy oils are soothing and can ease nausea. Add a couple of drops to the bathwater, add to a diffuser or burner, or mix a couple of drops into a spoonful of vegetable oil and massage into your chest so that you can inhale the aroma easily.

Ginger can help with all types of nausea, including that associated with chemotherapy, but should be avoided if there is any problem with the clotting of the blood. Check with your doctor before taking ginger capsules if you are pregnant. Ginger appears to have a calming effect on the gut. You can drink ginger ale (but make sure it is made with real ginger), eat ginger biscuits or crystallized ginger, or grate fresh ginger and infuse it with boiling water to make a tea. For more severe nausea, ginger root powder or standardised ginger extracts are available as capsules. Always follow the dosing directions on the pack if taking capsules. Studies which compared ginger capsules with conventional anti-sickness treatments found ginger was just as effective for seasickness and sickness after surgery, but with no side effects. Ginger started to work after 20-30 minutes, and the effects lasted for about 4 hours.

Green tea is helpful when nausea and vomiting are due to food poisoning. Drink a cup as needed. Camomile tea can be used twice daily for its soothing properties both on the stomach and the nerves, and peppermint tea may also aid digestion and settle nausea and vomiting. (Avoid peppermint if you are pregnant.) Cinnamon tea contains catechins which help with nausea.

Homoeopathy offers three main remedies for nausea and vomiting. Ipecacuanha is helpful for intense, continuous nausea and sweating which is unrelieved by vomiting. Arsenicum album can help when there is burning pain and acid vomiting, with diarrhea, coldness, chills, weakness and anxiety. Nux vomica works best when there is a heavy, bloated feeling in the stomach with belching, heartburn and nausea, and symptoms are worse in the morning and after food. Let a 6c tablet dissolve in your mouth every 15 minutes to an hour, up to a total of 6-10 doses, or use three times per day. Leave about 30 minutes after taking conventional treatments or cleaning your teeth before you take a homoeopathic remedy.

Reflexology may be helpful for nausea. If you explain to your reflexologist that you are feeling sick much of the time, s/he can work carefully on the stomach and bowel areas to make sure these are as healthy as possible. This may help your nausea.

Always check with your doctor first before using any complementary therapy.

Cancer support awards planned

What kind of cancer is life better price?

Like what type of cancer has the best price that is likely to succeed and live.

Basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.

Prostate Cancer Stages


Cancer is a disease process that usually begins when an abnormal cell is transformed by the genetic mutation of the cellular DNA. It forms a clone and proliferates at an abnormal rate. The cells acquire invasive characteristics and infiltrates tissues surrounding it. Cancerous cells are described as malignant neoplasms that demonstrate uncontrolled cell growths and follow no physiologic demands.

Prostate cancer is a kind of cancer that develops in the prostate. The prostate is the gland seen below a man’s bladder that produces fluid for semen. The cancer may spread to other parts of the body like the bones and lymph nodes. It may cause pain, difficulty in urinating, erectile dysfunction and discomfort during sexual intercourse. Prostate cancer tends to develop in men older that 50 years old. Its specific cause is unknown. Prostate cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the United States in 2004 (From the American Cancer Society, 2004).
Cancer Staging and Grading

A systematic approach to diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer starts with a complete diagnostic evaluation that includes identifying the grade and stage of the tumor. This is done before treatment begins to provide baseline data for evaluating treatment outcomes.

Staging determines the existence of metastasis as well as the size of the tumor. The TNM system is often used (Green,, 2002). In this system, “T” refers to the size of the primary tumor, “N” refers to the lymph node involvement, and “M” refers to the extent of the metastasis.

Grading defines the type of tissues from which the tumor originated. The tumor is assigned a numeric value from I to IV. Grade I tumors – also called as the well-differentiated tumors, closely resemble the tissue of origin in structure and function. Tumors that do not clearly resemble the original tissue in structure and function are described as poorly differentiated and are assigned a grade IV. These tumors are less responsive to treatment and tend to be more aggressive.

TNM Classification System

T The extent of the primary tumor
N The absence or presence and extent of regional lymph node metastasis
M The absence or presence of distant metastasis

Primary tumor (T)

Tx Primary tumor cannot be assessed
T0 No evidence of primary tumor
Tis Carcinoma in situ
T1, T2, T3, T4 increasing size and/or local extent of the primary tumor

Regional Lymph Nodes (N)

Nx Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
N0 No regional lymph node metastasis
N1, N2, N3 Increasing involvement of regional lymph node
Distant Metastasis
Mx Distant metastasis cannot be assessed
M0 No distant metastasis
M1 Distance metastasis

Signs and Symptoms

Early stage of prostate cancer causes no symptoms. If it does, its symptoms resemble that of benign prostatic hyperplasia. It includes frequent urination, most especially at night, difficulty starting and maintaining a steady stream of urine, blood in urine and painful urination. Biopsy is the only test that can fully confirm the diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Weight and Breast Cancer Risk

How cancer can proliferate, if the immune system destroys it from the beginning?

If the immune system recognizes a cell cancer from the beginning, before largely divided, "why can not destroy the cell? If this is naive, because I'm starting to learn about the subject.

Hello Bobby. Your question is excellent and scientific researchers are studying this issue. Note that the response is not scientifically Gary correct. The immune system, through a process called "immune surveillance", recognizes and kill abnormal cells. However, for a tumor cell to survive and become a cancer cell, must "learn" to avoid recognition by the immune system – this is called "escape" from Immune Security. Therefore, cancer develops because cancer cells have mutated into a form that allows them to escape immune attack. Here another key issue affecting the immune system and cancer. If immune surveillance of the works, but the immune response is not to kill any cancer cells, ongoing immune response creates an environment of "inflammatory" to the remaining cancer cells – one that carcinogenesis environnent units. In summary, immune system identify and kill cancer cells, however, cancer cells can learn to avoid bei ng recognized by the immune system (escape surveillance immune). Finally, if the immune system responds to a tumor or cancer cells, but not to destroy, the immune response in inflammatory course creates the ideal half environment for the growth of cancer cells. Best wishes and good luck. Here are links to scientific journals on this topic. Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_SingleItemSupl.Pubmed_Discovery_RA linkpos & = 2 & log = & $ relatedreviews logdbfrom = PubMed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih /? tool = pubmed. gov/pubmed/20196816 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih .gov/pubmed/19944963

Drinking Soda Linked to Pancreatic Cancers


Cancer is the least word you want to hear if you are diagnosed with something not normal with your body. All cancer cases are life threatening and usually impossible to treat when not earlier detected. There are a lot of causes of cancers such as environments, genes and habits. One damaging habit you may want to avoid after reading this article is drinking sodas.

Study reveals that drinking at least two sodas a day can increase your risk of pancreatic cancers, a disease in pancreas. Too much sugar content in soda drinks are believed to be the culprit. Pancreatic cancers is a very complicated disease in which patients only survived for five years or more after being diagnosed with the illness.

Europeans and Westerners are more prone of this habit because of their usual lifestyle of eating outside restaurants. But Asians are not too far behind as serious cases of cancers were recorded and mostly are smokers and soda drinkers.

Although sodas are not directly been accused as the main cause of pancreatic cancer, a research reveals that most patients of the said disease has sugar loving tendencies which also tends to prefer drinking sodas from water. Research also shows that patients are smokers, less physically active and carnivorous eaters. This means that aside from the culprit which is sugar, the most obvious cause of pancreatic cancers is the unhealthy way of life.

Even though it is not justified that sodas are the main cause, lets all be aware that cola drinks are still bad for your health. Other bad effects of sodas are the following.

Bad for Oral Health
Increase in blood sugar level
Cause of ulcers and other digestive abnormalities
Liver damage

We only live once in this world. We have to fully maximize this gift of life from God and to do that, we must learn to love ourselves by living healthy and staying away from the things that can cause us harm. Stay healthy because health is wealth.

Weight and Breast Cancer Risk

How are cancer cells similar to normal cells and how they differ?

I know that a similarity would regenerate cells, and a difference in cancer cells would grow uncontrollably. Is there anything else?

There are 6 characteristics of a cell of cancer: 1 – They are able to produce molecules that promote their own growth of 2 – are resistant to the molecules of other cells that may limit its growth 3 – They are able to avoid apoptosis (normal cell death) 4 – They are able to replicate indefinitely 5 – They are able to promote the generation of new blood vessels to 6 supply them with nutrients – are able to metastasize (migrate) to other body regions of the base idea, as already mentioned is that cancer cells may play infinitely and are beyond the control of the body. At the beginning of most cancers, cells tend to look like the fabric of which they originate. Thus, an early stage lung cancer are very similar to one lung of normal cells, except for the fact that it continues to grow. These cancers are the principles that referred to as benign, because they tend to stay in the fabric come from and are generally easy to remove. However, as cancer cells mature, they are increasingly less like the original tissue cell. In fact, cancer of the mature cells actually look like stem cells. If you think it their many similarities, both play constantly and they are immortal. The difference between a stem cell and a mature cancer cells is that cancer cells can not be regulated by the body. The cancer cell mature also acquires the ability to metastasize and at that time are called malignant because it can invade other tissues making full removal difficult.

What is "Leukemia"?


What is Leukemia?

The word Leukemia is derived from the Greek words leukos (white) and aima (blood). In simple terms, it is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow. It affects the forming of blood cells, one of the most important cells groups of the human body.

An abnormal production and accumulation of white blood cells characterizes this disease. This form of cancer starts to grow from the stem cells present in the bone marrow. Bone marrow is where blood cells are made.

The presence of abnormal cells called as leukemia cells?, also called as damaged leukocytes confirms the disease. Abnormal cells often over crowd with the other cells and end up with damaged DNA. The entire process makes it difficult for the other cells to do their functions smoothly.

In a healthy human, the W.B.C will die after a certain period resulting in the growth of fresh. In this case, they do not die easily and take-up space and continue to add-up. This crowding of bad cells, almost like a fission reaction in an uncontrolled manner, does not allow the normal functioning of the good cells and this result in sickness.

To better understand this disease, it is important that we know the related biological terms:

Bone Marrow:
The inner part of the bone is the bone marrow and this is where R.B.C, platelets and W.B.C are created

White blood cells (W.B.C):
They are also called leukocytes, and they primarily help fight infections. They are of three types:
Lymphocytes – Main cells that help in fighting infections
Granulocytes – These are W.B.C with granules which destroy microbes
Monocytes – These are related to granulocytes and also help the body fight against microbes

Red blood cells (R.B.C):
They are the ones that carry oxygen to all the tissues of the body.

They are very important in forming clots which prevents the blood vessels from bleeding.

Martina Navratilova talks about her battle against cancer

How can cancer spread without lymph node involvement?

My aunts became clear lymph nodes, but found injuries to his liver has been diagnosed with breast cancer.They are doing a liver biopsy.We have no idea at this time if anything Iam ro cancer nothing.But praying for how can spead cancer without lymph node involvement? What is the possibility that this is just nothing? They did Blood tests came back as non-vascular

I have curiosity about what we mean by "did blood tests came back as non-vascular." The truth is that all tumors have a vasculature or may not survive. feed the tumors in the same oxygen and nutrients to the rest of your body is fed by, among others. As a result, cancer cells can enter the bloodstream and travel throughout the body, coming to rest in other places. The liver is a prime target for these malignant cells, since it acts as a filter for blood. The lymphatic system definitely plays a role, but not always positive nodes metastases precede distance.

You Are At Risk For Colon Cancer


Every year more than 100,000 new cases of colon cancer are diagnosed each year. Nearly 50,000 people will die of the disease annually. Once thought of as a “men’s” disease, colon cancer equally affects women as well.

Being a couch potato is definitely putting you at higher risk for the disease. Smoking and alcoholism are other high risk factors along with obesity. Maintaining a colon-healthy diet shouldn’t be all that hard for the average person to maintain, although for many it may require some dietary adjustments. On a whole we Americans love to eat a high fat low fiber diet. Our colon’s on the other hand prefer a low fat, high fiber diet. Gradually making the switch over is achievable with a bit of practice and discipline. As a result you will not only improve your colon health, but you will most likely lose weight in the process which will not only make you more attractive, but improve your overall health as well. Obesity increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and many other illneses, so losing weight is a win-win situation for most.

How do we adjust our diets to be more colon-healthy? Simply add more fiber! We have all heard that one before but WHY is fiber so good for your health? Fiber is the one part of our diet that isn’t absorbed by our bodies – in the way that fats, proteins and carbohydrates are. That is why fiber is referred to as bulk or roughage. Fiber is found mainly in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. It comes in two forms:

  1. Fiber that dissolves in water = Soluble

Helps lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Found in apples, citruses, carrots, barley, oats and psyllium.

  1. Fiber that doesn’t dissolves in water = Insoluble
  2. Helps people suffering with constipation. Found in whole-wheat, wheat bran and nuts.

To summarize so far, a high fiber diet has the following health benefits:

  • Normalizes bowel movements and reduces IBS

  • Maintains bowel health
  • Lowers blood cholesterol
  • Controls blood sugar levels
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Supports a reduced risk of colorectal cancer
  • Most Americans do not consume enough fiber in their diet for optimal health. Men should consume 30-38 grams and women 21-25 grams of fiber daily. Try adding to your diet more whole grain products, raw (unprocessed) fruits and vegetables, beans and other legumes, nuts and seeds.

    Add fiber gradually to your diet over a few weeks time so you don’t overwhelm your digestive system and suffer temporary bloating and cramps. Colon cleansing supplements also have dietary fiber to help cleanse your digestive track. Doing a bi-annual colon cleansing will help your overall colon health. One highly rated product is Co-Clean tablets.

    Martina Navratilova talks about her battle against cancer

    Why is the cancer in some places more than others?

    For example, people get tumors in their lungs, bladder, stomach, intestine, brain, breast and other organs, but never saw a man developing cancer in the fingers, feet, thighs, etc. .. Cancer is supposed to be able to develop any tissue in the body, why does not appear more frequently in certain areas? Can someone explain this to me, I really want to know.

    It tends to occur more frequently in the epithelial tissue because this tissue type is played more frequently. Since it is the replication of cells that goes awry in cancer, would follow that we would see more often in cancer cell types that divide more frequently. We are also more likely than cancers in places that are most exposed to carcinogens such as UV radition and environmental toxins. For this reason, some of the most common cancer cancer of the skin, lungs and digestive tract.

    Three Ways to Prevent Cancer


    Surely, you do not want to be diagnosed with a horrible disease, such as cancer. There is no cure for cancer. Sure, there is chemotherapy, but that is certainly no cure that you want to go through. Instead of putting your life on the line, you should look into some ways to prevent cancer. This way, you can lower your chances of getting this dreadful disease.

    Below, we are going to give you a list of techniques to help reduce the chances of getting cancer. Take note, because it is better to be safe than to be sorry:

    One: Consume a lot of foods that are rich in antioxidants. Eating a lot of tomatoes is a good start. Did you know that if you have a diet that is rich in tomatoes, the risk of developing cancer will fall by forty percent. This is because they are rich in lycopene. What is lycopene? This is an antioxidant that is found in the red skin. Garlic can also help to prevent cancer. Both garlic and onions are rich in allicin. Broccoli is another good food to eat, because it is rich in isothiocyanates. This will help reduce the chances of developing lung cancer. Broccoli is also rich in lutein, which is a good antioxidant to help fight colon cancer.

    Two: Reduce eating foods that are high in calories. When a person is overweight, their chances of getting cancer will increase. This is why it is important to reduce the intake of foods that are high in calories. Don’t eat so much of the foods rich in calories. This includes French fries, chicken, hamburger, pizzas and doughnuts. These food will kill you, literally.

    3. Cigarettes are harmful. Cigarettes are known for causing cancer. Eighty percent of patients dealing with lung cancer are smokers. Ten percent of them are likely victims of secondhand smoke.

    Those are three ways to prevent cancer. We recommend you following these tips before it is too late.

    Martina Navratilova talks about her battle against cancer

    Cancer in an animal of meat, when cooked and eat it, it does taste the same or diffferent?

    After eating the cancer means that the body to digest and more cases of cancer of the molicules?

    Tumors, growths are usually cut when butcher. You can see growth in raw meat. One of the things you do not eat. It tastes different. It has a different texture, different color. It's gross.

    Peritoneal Cancer


    There are a variety of diseases in the world today. People are suffering from uncountable diseases and getting no cures for most of the cancer. Peritoneal cancer is one form of these cancer. It is a very rare cancer which takes place in peritoneum. This is a thin sheet which lines up the walls of the abdomen. The women who suffer from ovary cancer, and get this it diagnosed with proper medications, are the ones who are attacked by peritoneal cancer after the ovary cancer. This disease is mostly found in women.

    Symptoms for this cancer are very unclear at the earlier stages of peritoneal cancer. They are very difficult to figure out the symptoms for this disease. It does not show any signs in its earlier stages and when it start to develop, and reaches it upper level, then we can figure out about this dangerous disease. This is big disadvantage, that in this modern science world, it is difficult to find the symptoms of a disease. The symptoms of this disease are very much similar to the symptoms of the disease known as ovarian cancer.

    Below are some of the symptoms listed for peritoneal cancer:

    1: too much blood flow from vagina

    2: feeling as you are stuffed, although you had a very light meal

    3: continuous vomiting

    4: loss of appetite

    5: nausea

    6: continuous and abnormal weight gain

    Peritoneal cancer can be diagnosed in multiple ways. It is firstly diagnosed through X Rays or the alternative CT scans. One more method for diagnosing this disease is peritoneoscopy. This is the analysis of peritoneum, which lets you know about the disease and that you are or not a victim of this disease.

    These are the major symptoms of peritoneal cancer and they can only be seen when this disease develops at the higher stage. Slowly in your body when this disease matures, the symptoms would be even clearer than before and they would be even more severe.

    The treatments for peritoneal cancer are available. There are many treatments for this dangerous disease, although the success rate of these treatments are very low but still, as we say something is better than nothing. The treatments available for this disease include chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy. These are the mostly used treatments for this disease and patients to get cured with these treatments but the ratio of surviving patients is low.

    Martina Navratilova talks about her battle against cancer

    What kind of cancer starts in the neck and spreads to lymph lympy back?

    Ok friend who has cancer my mom almost died last spring and what type of cancer spreads from the cervix and spreads to lymph lympy in recent weeks as it could not breathe neck.Two and had to be taken to the hospital.How hard time to release a live person to know intill the good lord takes her and a lot of times the doctor can tell that has both time to live, but many times someone wrong.Can help me out.

    i thinkk cervical cancer, im rlly sorry.: (

    Does Removing Moles Reduce the Risk of Developing Melanoma?


    A common misconception is that removing moles reduces melanoma risk.

    There is no doubt that having a lot of moles increases the risk of developing melanoma. However, melanoma experts now believe that it is impossible to predict which moles will turn malignant. In other words, we know which patients are at higher risk, but not necessarily which moles are at greatest risk.

    Consider this:-
    1. Many people believe that all melanomas come from moles. In fact, only around 40% of melanomas arise from moles – the rest develop in normal skin.
    2. The lifetime risk of a benign mole turning into a melanoma is somewhere between 1 in 3000 to 1 in 10 000.

    Therefore, the removing of benign moles is unnecessary. It has a negligible impact on reducing your melanoma risk. Even if every mole on your body was removed you would only halve your risk because 60% of melanomas don’t come from moles. The lifetime risk of a woman developing breast cancer is about 1 in 14. We wouldn’t consider removing breasts to reduce the risk of cancer. Why would we remove a mole that has a risk of 1 in 3000 or less?

    Dysplastic Moles
    There is a type of mole known as a dysplastic mole which deserves special consideration. Dysplastic moles tend to be larger and more irregular than most moles. About 20% of the population will have one or more of these moles. Traditionally dysplastic moles were considered to be at higher risk of turning into melanoma. However, recent studies have suggested that the lifetime risk of a dysplastic mole becoming a melanoma is less than 1 in 1000.

    There is good evidence that people who have more than 5 dysplastic moles are at higher risk of developing melanoma. However, that is not to say that it will necessarily be one of the dysplastic moles which will turn into melanoma. Melanoma experts now believe that people with multiple dysplastic moles have a predisposition to abnormal melanin production in their skin which increases the risk of developing melanoma at any site – not just within the dysplastic moles. Removing the dysplastic moles has a small impact on reducing risk of melanoma.

    In reality, melanoma diagnosis is a skill that can only be developed with expertise and experience. Various factors need to be taken into consideration eg. recent change in a mole, previous history of melanoma or a family history. In addition, many people have a particular type of mole pattern – almost like a fingerprint. A particular type of mole may look perfectly benign and normal on one patient and totally out of place on another. Therefore, the decision to remove a mole is based on many variables.

    However, the facts still remain. There should be a good clinical reason to remove a mole. Mole removal does have potential complications such as bleeding, infection and significant scarring.


    In summary, my recommendations are as follows:
    1. People at risk should have an annual skin check.
    2. After a thorough examination moles which have diagnostic criteria for melanoma are removed. In skilled hands, 92% of melanomas can be diagnosed on initial examination.
    3. Suspicious moles with no definite features of melanoma should be photographed and rechecked in 3 months. If they change they are removed. This includes moles that the patient has noticed change in but look benign clinically.
    4. People with multiple dysplastic moles should be checked every 6 months and have long-term photographing and monitoring of their suspicious moles.

    Weight and Breast Cancer Risk

    What type of cancer can cause a dog to limp?

    My dog is limping and someone said that can cause cancer. What kind of cancer can cause a dog to limp?

    A tumor may have formed in another body and may be putting pressure on the spinal cord, causing limited movement. It could also be limping because he suffered a sprained leg, it does not always mean something like cancer. Get him checked out because are worried about her.