Drinking Soda Linked to Pancreatic Cancers


Cancer is the least word you want to hear if you are diagnosed with something not normal with your body. All cancer cases are life threatening and usually impossible to treat when not earlier detected. There are a lot of causes of cancers such as environments, genes and habits. One damaging habit you may want to avoid after reading this article is drinking sodas.

Study reveals that drinking at least two sodas a day can increase your risk of pancreatic cancers, a disease in pancreas. Too much sugar content in soda drinks are believed to be the culprit. Pancreatic cancers is a very complicated disease in which patients only survived for five years or more after being diagnosed with the illness.

Europeans and Westerners are more prone of this habit because of their usual lifestyle of eating outside restaurants. But Asians are not too far behind as serious cases of cancers were recorded and mostly are smokers and soda drinkers.

Although sodas are not directly been accused as the main cause of pancreatic cancer, a research reveals that most patients of the said disease has sugar loving tendencies which also tends to prefer drinking sodas from water. Research also shows that patients are smokers, less physically active and carnivorous eaters. This means that aside from the culprit which is sugar, the most obvious cause of pancreatic cancers is the unhealthy way of life.

Even though it is not justified that sodas are the main cause, lets all be aware that cola drinks are still bad for your health. Other bad effects of sodas are the following.

Bad for Oral Health
Increase in blood sugar level
Cause of ulcers and other digestive abnormalities
Liver damage

We only live once in this world. We have to fully maximize this gift of life from God and to do that, we must learn to love ourselves by living healthy and staying away from the things that can cause us harm. Stay healthy because health is wealth.

Weight and Breast Cancer Risk

How are cancer cells similar to normal cells and how they differ?

I know that a similarity would regenerate cells, and a difference in cancer cells would grow uncontrollably. Is there anything else?

There are 6 characteristics of a cell of cancer: 1 – They are able to produce molecules that promote their own growth of 2 – are resistant to the molecules of other cells that may limit its growth 3 – They are able to avoid apoptosis (normal cell death) 4 – They are able to replicate indefinitely 5 – They are able to promote the generation of new blood vessels to 6 supply them with nutrients – are able to metastasize (migrate) to other body regions of the base idea, as already mentioned is that cancer cells may play infinitely and are beyond the control of the body. At the beginning of most cancers, cells tend to look like the fabric of which they originate. Thus, an early stage lung cancer are very similar to one lung of normal cells, except for the fact that it continues to grow. These cancers are the principles that referred to as benign, because they tend to stay in the fabric come from and are generally easy to remove. However, as cancer cells mature, they are increasingly less like the original tissue cell. In fact, cancer of the mature cells actually look like stem cells. If you think it their many similarities, both play constantly and they are immortal. The difference between a stem cell and a mature cancer cells is that cancer cells can not be regulated by the body. The cancer cell mature also acquires the ability to metastasize and at that time are called malignant because it can invade other tissues making full removal difficult.